I might actually finish two decent games (One?). I am probably going to learn C++ while attending college (since I'm too lazy to do it now) and since I began learning it earlier this year, I got some nice experience with important programming shit. In the meantime of not feeling like learning C++, I am just working on a few projects when I'm not playing whatever games / masturbating.
If anyone cares, the projects are a Harvest Moon game (Think the gba versions, with (more/new?) content) and a side-scrolling mage game (just started today). If you just happen to read this and are interested in doing the art for the mage game, just let me know and you can have 50% profit if anything is made/etc. The game basically consists of playing as a mage that shoots spells to fight enemies in each stage (Stages are all compiled on a world map) and then bosses/final bosses, fuck the police. Pick a spec and unlock spells/armor, etc.